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Learn how the Far Cry 4 team works so efficiently at GDC 2015

Ubisoft engine architect Remi Quenin has spent a lot of time thinking about how the Far Cry 4 team can waste as little time as possible waiting on boring-yet-necessary production tasks like compiling code.
With his guidance the development team has been able to achieve massive improvements in their day-to-day workflow, and next March he's coming to GDC 2015 in San Francisco to share his expertise with some of the best and brightest game makers in the business.

If you're one of those GDC attendees and would also like to stop wasting precious hours of your life on boring game dev tasks, make time to attend Quenin's session, "Fast iteration for Far Cry 4 - Optimizing Key Parts of the Dunia Pipeline."
You'll find it on the Programming track of talks, alongside sessions on the engine development of Destiny and other insightful engineering talks. Quenin's talk is worth bookmarking if you want a detailed rundown of the techniques Ubisoft employs to optimize its day-to-day workflow, or if you just want to see how they manage to pull a data package, compile it into an executable and play it on a modern console in under two minutes.
If this isn't in your wheelhouse, don't worry -- conference organizers look forward to announcing more GDC 2015 sessions in the months ahead. In the meantime, don't miss your chance to save money by registering early -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is January 21, 2015. GDC 2015 itself will take place March 2-6 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.
For more information on GDC 2015, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.
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