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Learn firsthand what's working in AR advertising at XRDC this fall!

Come out to XRDC at the beautiful Fort Mason Festival Pavilion in San Francisco this October to hear, firsthand, how augmented reality is reshaping the advertising industry!

In a special Brand Experience track talk on "AR Advertising and Commerce: What's Working?" ARtillery Intelligence chief analyst Mike Boland will share market data and practical insights on how customers interact with AR ads and why.

This is a great talk to see if you're at all curious about how AR development skills are being used in commerce, or want to know specifically what strategies work for delivering approachable, enticing AR brand experiences.

AR advertising derived $418 million in 2018. According to ARtillery Intelligence, that number will grow to $2.46 billion by 2022. Check out Boland's talk to learn how AR advertising opportunities will expand beyond branded lenses, what needs to happen for the industry will get there, as well as what's working today and how business models are developing.

So if you're not already registered to attend XRDC, sign up now! This year there's an all-new XRDC pass for sale: the Startup Pass, specifically designed to give smaller teams and trailblazing startups a clear path to success at XRDC at nearly half the price of the regular pass!

For more details about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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