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Learn to diversify skills and clinch your next job interview at GDC Summer

Applying to jobs can be a terrifying prospect for game developers, and the laundry list of expectations can leave you feeling short of what's required. 

That's why Phoenix Labs' Garrett Fredley is coming to GDC Summer in August to deliver an important talk on "Increasing the Interview Odds Through Skill Set Diversification", a practical talk aimed at helping students, grads, and experienced devs diversify skills and demonstrate enough prowess to clinch that next job interview.

Fredley's talk is part of the GDC Summer Student Program, a full Thursday (August 6th) of lectures, interactive sessions, and group discussions designed for aspiring devs and seasoned professionals seeking new opportunities and career advice.

Don't miss it, because you can expect to walk away with practical advice for avoiding skill set pitfalls, converting secondary skills into highlight strengths, and maximizing the chances of that next interview!

Register now for GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th! For more details on what to expect visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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