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Learn to better fight toxicity from the new Fair Play Alliance at GDC 2018

Heads up, game makers: the 2018 Game Developers Conference starts Monday, and this year organizers are excited to welcome a lineup of great talks from the folks at the Fair Play Alliance!

Formally unveiled this week, the Fair Play Alliance is intended to be a cross-industry initiative whose mission is to foster fair play in online games, raise awareness of player-behavior-related issues, and share research and best practices that drive lasting change.

Over 30 stakeholders in the game industry are part of the FPA, including Unity, Blizzard, Riot Games, Supercell, Epic Games, Discord, Twitch, and more. Together, they aim to support game developers and foster open collaboration, research, and sharing of best practices for encouraging healthy gaming communities and fair play.

Notably, the FPA's key objectives include collaboration on initiatives aimed at improving online behavior in games and creating an atmosphere free of abuse and discrimination. With that in mind, the group will be putting on a Fair Play Summit next Wednesday, March 21st -- smack dab in the middle of GDC 2018!

If you're attending GDC and looking to learn more about the group, make sure to attend the Fair Play Alliance Keynote session at 9:30 AM PT next Wednesday in the West Hall of San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center.

After that, the FPA will put on a full day of talks (all conveniently located in the West Hall) featuring expert insight into everything from how game design shapes player behavior to what your fellow game developers are doing to combat online toxicity in their own work. You won't want to miss it!

For more details on them and all other announced talks head over to the online GDC 2018 Session Scheduler.

For more information about GDC 2018, which runs March 19th through the 23rd, visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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