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Last day for GDC Europe 2013 early reg - HD Oculus Rift, Valve recruiting, more

On the last day of early registration, GDC Europe organizers highlight can't-miss talks including Ubisoft's Child of Light and Quantic Dream's The Dark Sorcerer next-gen demo, along with expo events such as Valve recruiting and an Oculus VR demo.
GDC Europe will take place Monday through Wednesday, August 19th-21st at the Cologne Congress-Centrum Ost in Cologne, Germany -- just ahead of (and co-located with) the massive 275,000 person Gamescom event, with all GDC Europe passes also guaranteeing entrance to Gamescom.
Below are just some of over 80 talks scheduled for GDC Europe 2013:
- Ubisoft Montreal creative director Patrick Plourde (lead design on two Assassin's Creed titles and creative director on Far Cry 3) will reveal his upcoming project Child of Light and the internal greenlight process behind it in 'Small Projects in AAA in Studios.'
- Frogmind's Johannes Vuorinen will share marketing tricks behind the two-man team's Apple Design Award winning game, which sold over 100,000 copies in its first week, in 'Badland Postmortem: How to Launch a Premium Priced Indie Game in the App Store.'

- Multiple award-winning Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream CEO David Cage will cover the visual arts techniques from his latest two projects in 'The Dark Sorcerer and Beyond: Shooting, Directing and Filming Virtual Actors' and will share exclusive footage from the next-gen Sorcerer tech demo for examples.
- Riot Games' European Community Manager Matthew Elliott will explain how the League Of Legends team discovers and empowers offline brand ambassadors to produce "new and continued growth" for League of Legends in 'Building Real Life Communities in Online Gaming.'
- Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey and VP of product Nate Mitchell will speak about the challenges virtual reality presents for game devs, why VR will change the way games are played, and what VR means for the industry in 'Virtual Reality Gaming and Game Development.'
- Finally, Boris Schneider-Johne, a well-known German game industry veteran who has worked as a notable game journalist (Power Play/PC Player) and LucasArts translator (Maniac Mansion, Loom, Monkey Island 1 & 2), will touch on issues such as the psychology of app store ratings and how to handle vocally negative consumers in 'Opinion Leaders - The Changing Relationships Between Customers, Publishers and Media.'
In addition to planning out must-see talks, attendees can also browse companies at the GDC Europe Expo using the current floor plan. Along with and Nintendo booths, attendees can also stop by Valve's recruiting booth as the company expands its European presence, or try out the latest HD version of the Oculus Rift headset.
The vast majority of the talks for GDC Europe have now been revealed on the event's live schedule builder, with over 80 lectures already available to view, and the official event schedule now available.
Early bird registration for GDC Europe 2013 lasts only until the end of today, Thursday, July 18th, with discounts up to 20% off admission. Group admission discounts are also available. For all the latest news on GDC Europe, subscribe for updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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