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Last Call for Submissions to GDC 2022 Summits, Game Career Seminar, and Masterclass

The deadline is fast approaching for submissions to GDC Summits and Game Career Seminar, as well as to teach a Masterclass at GDC 2022. Developers have until Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 11:59pm PT to send in their lectures and panels for the 2022 Game Developers Conference, which returns to San Francisco and online in March 2022. 

The GDC Summit and Game Career Seminar Advisors are seeking submissions from game developers in several areas, including the AI Summit, Game Narrative Summit, Board Game Design Summit, and more. To review a full list of the GDC Summits accepting submissions (including the new Open Source Game Development Summit and Future Realities Summit, formerly VRDC), please review the guidelines and topics on the Summits submissions page. For more on Game Career Seminar, visit the submissions page here.

Advisors to your specific Summit program will review the proposal, while the Game Career Seminar is programmed by GDC staff and the Game Developer editorial team. Review criteria is based on the concept, depth, organization, credentials, and takeaway. GDC organizers and the Summit Advisors aim to achieve diversity of voice, experience, and perspective. When considering who would be best to speak on behalf of your company or department, it is strongly encouraged to take this goal into consideration.

For GDC Masterclass, GDC 2022 is calling for instructors to submit a 1-day, 8-hour course proposal, in a number of game development topics. For more information, including criteria, please visit the Masterclass submissions page.

Core Concepts submissions are closed, but if you're interested sending in a late proposal for consideration you can head here for GDC contact information.

Submissions for GDC Summits, Game Career Seminar, and GDC Masterclass will be open through Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 11:59pm PT. Initial acceptances, declines, and requests for revision will go out in November, and final acceptances and declines will take place in January 2022. GDC Summits and Masterclass courses will be held Monday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Game Career Seminar takes place on Friday, March 25, 2022.

For more information on GDC, be sure to visit our website or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, or RSS.

GDC, gdc22, Game Developers Conference, Masterclass, gdc summit, game career seminar

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