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'iOS games in a day', animation, producer bootcamps detailed for GDC 2013

GDC 2013 organizers are highlighting more day-long sessions for the March conference, with industry-driving animation and cross-platform production bootcamps and an iOS crash course that will cover API and popular engine implementations.
The tutorials and bootcamps all take place during the first two days of GDC's March conference on Monday-Tuesday, March 25-26 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
The first bootcamp is simply called 'iOS games in a day'. It will include lessons on Cocos2D, openGL and Unity3D, lectures on popular and essential iOS APIs for games, and "a deep-dive on game architecture selection and best practices."
Speakers at this iOS crash course include Mike Daley (Co-Founder, 71Squared Ltd), Gareth Jenkins (Founder & Lead Developer, 36peas), Matt Rix (Founder, Magicule), Mike Schramm (Editor, TUAW/Joystiq), Keith Shepherd (Co-Founder, ImangiStudios), Rod Strougo (iOS Developer & Instructor, Big Nerd Ranch & Prop Group), Ray Wenderlich (Founder, Razeware LLC), and David Whatley (CEO, Critical Thought Games, LLC).
In the day-long 'Animation Bootcamp', animators from across the industry will first focus on the believability, body mechanics, and facial animation needed in today's games. From these lectures will come practical discussions, including Hitman: Absolution animation director Simon Unger on how to get the most from motion capture, Ubisoft's Jonathan Cooper on animating the "3rd Assassin," and Battlefield 3 and Killzone 2 animator Ryan Duffin on how to give purpose to first-person animation.

Others presenting in the Animation Bootcamp will be Tim Borrelli (Lead Animator, 5th Cell), Amy Drobeck (Senior Animator, WB Games), Ed Hooks (Author/Actor, Acting for Animators), Michael Jungbluth (Senior Animator, Zenimax Online), Jalil Sadool (Senior Animator, Dreamworks), and Nate Walpole (Senior Animator, Zenimax Online).
Finally, the 'Producer Bootcamp' will focus on key skills needed of seasoned veterans and newcomers to ship mobile, console, PC, and web games. Speakers will cover how to be not just "schedule jockeys," but also "team managers, communication facilitators, conflict mediators, risk mitigators, work enablers, and predictors of the future."
High-powered Producer Bootcamp presenters will include Rod Fergusson (Executive Vice President of Development, Irrational Games), Laura Fryer (General Manager, Epic Games Seattle), Andrew Hurteau (Communication Consultant and Presentation Coach, Butterfield Speaks), Jon Kimmich (Games Industry Specialist and Entrepreneur, Software Illuminati), Siobhan Reddy (Studio Director, Media Molecule), Roger Schrembi (Graphic Designer, Fireproof Studios), and Ruth Tomandl (Senior Producer, Monolith Productions).
All of the above events are open to attendees with passes including Summits & Tutorials and All Access passes, with those selecting the talks during the registration process getting priority. A full list of tutorials and bootcamps is available now, including other popular one-day events like Math for Game Programmers and a Technical Artist Bootcamp.
GDC still offers over $100 discounts to select pass purchases made by March 20th, at 11:59pm EST, with prices increasing for onsite registration. GDC 2013 itself will take place March 25-29 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.
For more information on GDC 2013, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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