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Heads up, devs: XRDC 2018's Session Scheduler is now live!

This October San Francisco will host XRDC, the premier event for AR/VR/MR innovation, and today organizers are excited to announce that the free XRDC 2018 Session Scheduler is now online and ready for you to use!

It's an intuitive, easy-to-use tool that lets you keep tabs on all the cutting-edge content you'll find at XRDC this year. More importantly, you can use it now to plan out your week at the show in an intuitive, easy-to-navigate fashion.

(If you haven't signed up to attend XRDC yet, you should! Registration is open now, so you'll want to look over XRDC passes and prices and register early to get the best deal!)

If you've never used the Session Scheduler before, it's pretty easy to get started. Simply select "Create Account" from the Session Scheduler page and provide a valid email address, then start adding talks to your personal XRDC 2018 schedule.

You could, for example, add  Owlchemy Labs' talk on "The Holodeck is Here...Now What?: Advanced Interactions for Room-Scale VR" to your schedule so you'll be sure not to miss out on learning about the latest best practices for room-scale VR from the folks behind Job Simulator, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, and the upcoming Vacation Simulator.

You might also put a pin in Osmo staff designer Tony Aube's "Design Beyond the Screen: Mixed Reality at Osmo" session, which aims to offer something of a postmortem look at the company's failures and successes.

You don't want to miss this, as Aube aims to speak frankly about some of Osmo's early game prototypes and explain why they failed. He'll also share some key early design decisions that made Osmo successful, in retrospect, and show you some of Osmo's biggest blunders (and how not to make them).

XRDC takes place this October 29th and 30th in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. If you haven't signed up yet, act fast: you can register for XRDC by July 27 to save $500 with code B500. This limited time offer gives you $100 off in addition to the $400 in savings with the afore-mentioned early registration rate!

For more information about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.



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