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Got a great pitch for a GDC 2020 Production & Team Management talk? Submit it now!

Just a quick reminder this morning that GDC 2020 organizers are currently accepting submissions to present lectures, roundtables, and panels through Thursday, August 15th!

This year they're looking for experienced producers who have shipped games or managed live games to share (in the form of talks on the Production & Team Management track) their best techniques or experiences which helps them produce better games or build better teams.

Next year the 34th edition of GDC will take place March 16th through the 20th at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California. It will once again play host to thousands of game developers from all around the world for a week of learning, networking and inspiration.

As GDC 2020 takes shape, organizers want to make sure you don't miss out on your opportunity to pitch talks that would be a good fit for the Prodution & Team Management track. Here's some guidance on what organizers are looking to see in a great talk submission:

We are financing/genre/platform/business model agnostic - we just want the world's best producers to share their knowledge.

We are looking for case studies from everyone! Huge, tiny, startup, established: AAA console developers, Indie developers, Mobile teams, Cross-platform teams, Service teams, etc. A few project case topics the Production & Team Management Track is looking for, but not limited to, are the following topics:

Production Case Studies or day in the life of...

Making games for new platforms
Producing AR/VR/XR
Challenges of shipping on multiple platforms simultaneously
Building and running a service or managing communities
Managing licenses
Any other best practices
Studios & Teams

Producing with multiple types of production process

Habits and culture of successful teams
Building a new team: Start- up, new teams, mature team
Communication methods for your team and from your team across the organization
Managing creative people through difficult transitions
Production Roles

Games as a service

Working as/with external publisher production
Doing production when not a producer (very applicable for small/indie teams)
Transitioning into a producer role from another discipline
Training and career progression of producers
Producing multiple projects
Working with a Product Management team
Working with or producing your QA group

For more details on the submission process or GDC 2020 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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