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Get to know Swapcard, the platform powering GDC Showcase

The Game Developers Conference organizers are pleased to once again be partnering with Swapcard, the platform that powered GDC Summer last year.

During the all-free, all-digital GDC Showcase, attendees will be able to seamlessly switch from session to session from the safety of their home. And with the help of Swapcard, attendees can also access the ability to view sessions on demand if they aren’t able to make a talk during its scheduled time.

Registered attendees will soon be receiving an e-mail that will get you set up with everything you need to log into the platform on the first day and begin enjoying your virtual GDC experience.

But while you’re building out your schedule for the event, we figured we’d offer some helpful tips and tricks for navigating the Swapcard platform.

To get started, you can check out Swapcard’s breakdown of the platform, to better prepare yourself for navigating GDC Showcase.

Disclaimer: GDC Showcase may not utilize all of the Swapcard features seen in the above video.

Next, if you’re having any trouble with Swapcard during GDC Showcase, know that they’re here to help. You can get a lot of questions answered by checking out the help center available to all Swapcard users.

And finally if you run into any other issues or require additional help with Swapcard, you’ll be able to get help fast by contacting the help desk through the event platform.

To check out Swapcard for yourself, register for GDC Showcase today, and you’ll be able to check out the platform for yourself before the event starts on March 15th!

For more updates on GDC Showcase, running from March 15th-19th 2021, be sure to, visit our websitesign up for our newsletter, or follow us on FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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