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GDC Vault Debuts Invitation-Only Beta For Individual Subscribers

The GDC Vault, which holds hundreds of streaming video, audio and slides-based presentations to the multiple Game Developers Conference yearly events, has opened Beta invitations to individuals for a yearly subscription.

Though it was available to All-Access GDC Pass holders and to group subscribers over the past few months -- and entire studio and school subscriptions are still available, a limited-time Beta offer for individuals is now in place.

For a limited initial period only, the invite-only GDC Vault individual subscription Beta will offer a year's access to hundreds of specially recorded videos of the top Game Developers Conference talks, for less than the price of a GDC Main Conference pass.

The free section of GDC Vault showcases just a fraction of the content recorded by GDC organizers, with Vault subscription-only audio recordings currently stretching back to GDC 2004, and subscriber-exclusive synced video, audio and slides starting during GDC 2009.

With the majority of the content from Game Developers Conference 2009 and every GDC event in 2010 to be recorded in video form, a total of nearly 400 hours of GDC talks are already available to Vault subscribers, allowing those who missed out on specific programming, design, business, art, or audio talks to catch up in full.

In total, there will be more than 550 fully-featured hour long videos available from GDC shows by the end of 2010, including the content from GDC in San Francisco, GDC Europe, next week's GDC Online, and December's GDC China, plus over 500 hours of audio files from historic GDCs, and over 700 presentations that can be viewed alongside them.

Those who subscribe will get one full year of access to GDC Vault from the time they sign on, including video recordings of the vast majority of the content from GDC 2011 in San Francisco, as well as the other GDC shows occurring in the next twelve months.

This Beta GDC Vault individual subscription can now be applied for via the GDC Vault homepage -- applicants will be invited into the service on a first come, first served basis.

GDC Vault

Connecting the Global Game Development Community