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GDC Europe's Indie Games Summit adds Indie Megabooth, Canabalt C64 talks

Organizers have announced several notable new talks for next month's Independent Games Summit at GDC Europe in Cologne, including creating the text-based hit, Steve Jackson's Sorcery!; building the Indie Megabooth's presence at PAX and in the press; and porting Canabalt and Super Crate Box to the Commodore 64 - also revealing a new extra with the reduced-price Indie Games Summit Pass.
These talks are part of GDC Europe 2013's Independent Games Summit, which will take place Tuesday, August 20th, during the three-day conference at Cologne Congress-Centrum Ost in Cologne, Germany - just ahead of (and co-located with) the massive 275,000 person Gamescom event.
These likely to be popular talks are accessible via the reduced-price Independent Games Summit pass for the show, but are also available for all GDC Europe passholders.
Organizers are also announcing that the Indie Games Summit Pass will now include a two-day pass to the Gamescom event itself, including attendance during the business day on Wednesday, August 21st - a significant additional perk.
The breakdown of the newly added talks, part of an extensive line-up for the day, are as follows:

- inkle co-founder Jon Ingold's 'A World from Words: Highly Interactive Stories with Text' is a narrative design-focused talk that will explain how inkle made their recent iOS port of 1980s interactive fiction classic Steve Jackson's Sorcery! a commercial success that reached the top 20 iPad app chart in both the US and the UK.
- Kelly Wallick's 'Building the Indie MEGABOOTH: Showcasing Indies Above the Noise' talk will discuss how a coalition of 16 indies initially banded together to stand out on the PAX show floor and expanded to 30 and 50 devs at subsequent shows, with an eye towards helping other independent developers organize their own communities.
- Gamasutra UK editor and Pocket Gamer contributor Mike Rose's 'Getting Your Independent Game Noticed in 2013' talk will offer marketing tips for and analysis of how independent developers can improve their games' chances of receiving mainstream press coverage.
- Paul Koller's 'Porting Contemporary Games to a Vintage Platform' will cover the unique story of how he ported indie blockbusters Canabalt and Super Crate Box to the distinctly retro Commodore 64 computer.
These talks join previously-announced postmortems at GDC Europe 2013, featuring Apple Design Awards winners Vlambeer on Ridiculous Fishing and Frogmind on Badland, along with Wii U developer Broken Rules on Chasing Aurora.
More talks will be revealed throughout the weeks leading up to GDC Europe in August. The schedule builder is live with a rapidly increasing list of talks already available.
Early bird registration for GDC Europe 2013 is also live, with discounts up to 20% off admission only until Thursday, July 18th. Group admission discounts are also available. For all the latest news on GDC Europe, subscribe for updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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