Organizers of GDC Europe have announced their first set of selected talks, which include lectures on Capcom & Dontnod's Remember Me (pictured), scalability for Double Fine's upcoming Broken Age, and insight from streaming game video provider
These talks are part of the programming and business tracks in GDC Europe 2013, which will take place Monday through Wednesday, August 19th-21st at the Cologne Congress-Centrum Ost in Cologne, Germany - just ahead of (and co-located with) the massive 275,000 person Gamescom event.
First revealed is Oliver Franzke of Double Fine Productions' talk, 'Broken Age's Approach to Scalability.' It will focus on authoring and rendering techniques for characters and environments used to target five platforms simultaneously, including PC and mobile.
The talk about the much-anticipated, multi-million dollar funded Kickstarter project will also cover run-time techniques such as rendering tricks and fast deployment for rapid iteration and debugging.
In 'The Art and Rendering of Remember Me,' senior 3D/engine programmer Sebastien Lagarde will show how Dontnod constructed a plausible sci-fi city of Paris for the intriguing cyberpunk game - including looks at the rendering workflow, new dynamic reflection techniques, and image enhancement techniques.
Lastly, Twitch VP Matthew DiPietro will present case studies on how EA, Activision, SOE, and more are approaching online video in his talk, 'The Revolution will be Streamed: How Video is Transforming Video Games.' DiPietro will also explain the effects streaming has on game design, game marketing, PR, business development and beyond.
More talks will be revealed throughout the months leading up to GDC Europe in August. The GDC Europe advisory board met this week in The Netherlands to choose from more than 275 submitted talks, which was up 25% from last year's total. A host of invited lectures and even European-specific Classic Game Postmortems (following last year's GoldenEye 007 postmortem) are also being prepared, based on extensive Advisory Board comments.
Early bird registration for GDC Europe 2013 is now available, with discounts up to 20% off admission. Group admission discounts are also available.
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