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GDC Canada 2010 Announced, Opens Registration

Think Services' Game Developers Conference Canada will be returning for its second year this May, offering lectures and networking opportunities focused on the burgeoning Canadian development scene.
Registration is now open for the event at the official GDC Canada website. The event will be taking place at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, BC from May 6-7 2010.
This year, new tracks will focus on more hot games industry topics including digital distribution, social games, and iPhone games. The event will also once again host tracks about game design, business and production, programming, and visual arts.
Making a return to GDC Canada is the Game Career Seminar, a one-day event aimed at students and individuals looking to break into the video game industry. GDC Canada, presented by Reboot Communications and the Think Services Game Group, will also host evening networking events as well as an expo hall.
The event will be offering keynotes, lectures, panels, and roundtable discussions programmed by an advisory board of Canadian games industry veterans including Brenda Bailey (Deep Fried Entertainment), Steve Bocska (Pug Pharm), Howard Donaldson (Disney Interactive Studios), Dave Elton (EA Blackbox), Tabitha Hayes (EA), Dan Irish (Threewave), Jerome Kashetsky (National Research Council of Canada), Colin Macrae (EA), Gerri Sinclair (Great Northern Way Campus), Tarrnie Williams (EA), Kerry Whalen (Ubisoft), and Kelly Zmak (Radical Entertainment).
"Attendees to this year's GDC Canada will gain new insights to current technologies across different game platforms as well as new business opportunities and distribution models," said Izora de Lillard, event director. "We're proud return to Vancouver and provide the forum for Canadian developers to connect, celebrate, and further the industry."

GDC Canada

Connecting the Global Game Development Community