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GDC 2013 seeking proposals for lectures, panels, roundtables, and more

The call for submissions to present lectures, roundtables, panel, and poster sessions at the 2013 Game Developers Conference is now open through Tuesday, August 28.

Organized by the UBM TechWeb Game Network, GDC 2013 is the game industry's most comprehensive and longest running professionals-only event where game developers converge for a week of learning, networking and inspiration. GDC 2013 will take place March 25-29 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California. Session proposals can be submitted via the official GDC website.

The GDC submission process is divided into a three-phase system, beginning with this initial call for submissions and continuing with the first review and resubmit phase, and then final review. Session formats this year include 25 and 60-minute lectures, as well as panels, poster sessions, roundtables and one or two day tutorials. The GDC advisory board will review and determine submissions based on the criteria of concept, depth, organization, credentials, and takeaway.

Tracks at GDC 2013 include Audio, Business, Marketing and Management, Production, Programming, Visual Arts, and Game Design. Attendees will find lectures, tutorials, roundtables, and sessions over the five days will expand their knowledge base on various disciplines within video game development.

"Since our record-breaking attendance at last year's GDC, we set our minds to deliver a conference that is ahead of the curve in this ever evolving industry," said Meggan Scavio, general manager of all Game Developers Conference events. "From smartphones, to tablets, to home consoles, we are excited to receive a variety of top notch submissions from the best and brightest developers in the industry."

Finally, the ever-popular Summits return to GDC 2013 on March 25-26 for two educational days of panels, lectures, postmortems, and more. The call for submissions to present sessions for the specialized Summits will open September 26th and close October 23rd, 2012.

For more information on GDC 2013 as the event takes shape, please visit the event's official website, as show organizers will have plenty more to announce in the months ahead.


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