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GDC 2010 Organizers, Mega64 Get Promotional Wires Crossed

With the success of Mega64's commissioned skits for last year's IGF/Game Developers Choice awards last year, organizers for the 2010 Game Developers Conference have brought in the group to record a commercial for the upcoming March 9th-13th San Francisco event. Unfortunately, there was a little miscommunication between the two parties, and the promo didn't turn out as planned.
After all the time and effort spent on producing the video, GDC organizers considered re-arranging the conference to reflect Mega64's promises, booking Sarah Silverman to deliver the opening keynote, replacing the Game Career Seminar with a rave party, and scheduling a panel on mixing drinks.
But they decided that it might be better to just leave the conference as is. Keep an eye out for more clips from the Mega64 gang both before this year's show and at 2010's Game Developers Choice Awards.


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