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At GDC you'll learn how Apple Arcade shaped Grindstone's engrossing design

Capybara Games' Grindstone was one of Apple Arcade's launch lineup standouts last year, thanks in large part to its engrossing design, and at GDC 2020 next month two of its developers will show you how it came together!

What's especially interesting about creative director Kris Piotrowski and Kenneth Yeung's GDC Design track talk "From Malicious to Delicious: The Story of Designing 'Grindstone'" is that it promises to unpack how designing for Apple's new game subscription service helped Capy refocus the game on rock-solid design.

Plus, you can expect to learn about Capy's approach to designing puzzle games, and how to create a compelling core loop with unique appeal to help your next game stand out in a crowded marketplace!

Register now for GDC 2020

GDC 2020 runs from Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 20th. This will be the 34th edition of GDC, and now that registration is officially open, you'll want to take a look at the (ever-expanding) session schedule and your GDC pass options -- register early to lock in the best price!

For more details on GDC 2020 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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