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GDC Summer attendees, look forward to a Q&A with veteran producer Rod Fergusson!

Veteran game producer and Blizzard VP Rod Fergusson has helped ship everything from the original Gears of War on through to BioShock Infinite and Gears of War 5; now he's taking a break from working on Diablo IV to present a special Q&A session at GDC Summer next month!

Part of the new Ask Me Anything series of interactive sessions debuting at GDC Summer, this "Ask Me Anything: Production Q&A with Rod Fergusson" session will see attendees enjoying a frank conversation with Fergusson about the ins and outs of game production.

Attendees can also look forward to learning more about what studio leadership entails, with lots of relevant examples and reflections from Fergusson's 21-year career in game development. It promises to be a remarkable can't-miss talk, so don't delay -- register for GDC Summer now and reserve your seat!

For more details on GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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