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GDC Arcade Play showcases contemporary arcade cabinets for all to try!

We're just weeks away from the 2020 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and as you finalize your event plans we wanted to highlight a new community space debuting at GDC 2020 in March: GDC Arcade Play!

As you may have guessed, this is a new community space dedicated to giving GDC attendees an opportunity to relax, chat, and check out some of the latest, most interesting arcade and pinball games between appointments.

We realized that many of you may not have a chance to see contemporary arcade games in the flesh, so as the arcade game renaissance continues we've worked to put together this showcase, curated by Adam from notable arcade game news site ArcadeHeroes.

GDC Arcade Play will be open on the GDC Expo floor in the Moscone Convention Center Wednesday through Friday of GDC week, which runs March 16th through the 20th. It's shaping up to be a great place to delve into a selection of arcade hits, including the latest full-sized releases from:

  • Sega
  • Raw Thrills
  • Glitchbit
  • American Pinball
  • Chicago Gaming

So as you're using the GDC 2020 Session Scheduler to plan out your time at the show, leave room in your schedule to swing by Arcade Play and have some fun! And if you haven't yet, register now for GDC 2020 to avoid paying more at the door!

For more details on GDC 2020 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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