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At GDC 2021, you can learn about the making of Resident Evil Village

Whether you’ve been been entranced by Lady Dimitrescu or were excited by the return of everyone’s favorite boulder-punching zombie hunter Chris Redfield in Resident Evil Village, you’re in luck.

At the all-digital 2021 Game Developers Conference (running July 19th - 23rd), Capcom’s Morimasa Sato, Tomonori Takano, Hitoshi Mishima, and Yixiong Gong are giving a talk on the game design, art direction, and graphics of Resident Evil Village.

Each of the group will be breaking a different component of the game’s creation to help you gain technical expertise in game design, art direction, and high-fidelity graphics.

The game design segment will break down how Capcom controlled the player’s emotional experience, the art direction segment will discuss the making of a “beautiful, yet terrifying village."

And finally in the graphics segment, the team will show concrete examples of how Capcom implemented ray-tracing to render that village within the game’s technical constraints.

It’s a talk you’ll be dying to attend. Reserve your spot, and register today for GDC 2021 to get the best price on your pass for this year’s show!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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