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The GDC 2020 Free to Play Summit needs your best talk pitches!

Got a great idea for a talk that'd fit in well as part of the Free to Play Summit at next year's Game Developers Conference? Now's the time to pitch it!

That's because GDC 2020 organizers are currently accepting pitches for talks that would be a good fit for the GDC Summits (which now encompasses all Monday and Tuesday GDC content, including content formerly branded as Tutorials, Bootcamps, and Dev Days), the VR-centric VRDC, and the Game Career Seminar.

But you've gotta get moving, because submissions will only remain open through Monday, September 30th at 11:59 pm Pacific Time! 

The GDC Free to Play Summit brings together top game publishers and developers from around the world to share ideas and discuss best practices for free to play gaming, which has become the dominant business model for mobile games, and is becoming increasingly important on other platforms as well.

This two day program will focus on the nuts and bolts of great free to play game design and successful business strategies. With that in mind, the Free to Play Summit is soliciting the following topics for the 2020 program:

  • Postmortems on the launch of new free to play games, or postmortems on major updates to existing free to play games, especially examples from outside mobile gaming and/or outside North America.
  • Strategies for launching across multiple territories.
  • Strategies for launching across multiple platforms.
  • Soft launch best practices: why, when, where, and what to look for?
  • Improving player experience and revenue performance via skillful integration of monetization elements into the game design.
  • Authentic and non-spammy social and viral engagement techniques.
  • User acquisition tips and tricks, in an era of escalating UA costs.
  • Pros & cons: staying independent versus working with a publisher or partner.
  • Differences between designing free to play games for midcore and casual audiences.
  • A survey of which genres are ripe for additional competitors, and what genres are too crowded (or too dominated by a single unassailable market leader).
  • Best practices to keep a community of loyal players in your game.
  • Keeping your players hooked: how to be sticky in a low-attention-span world.
  • Free to play games designed for non-traditional gaming audiences.
  • How to augment your IAP revenue with rewarded video and other forms of advertising.

The Free to Play Summit, all other GDC Summits, and VRDC@GDC will be held March 16-17, 2020 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. The Game Career Seminar takes place in the same location on Friday, March 20th!

So if you want to speak at a GDC 2020 Summit, submit your talk now! For more details on the submission process or GDC 2020 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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