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GDC 2019 is looking for great Programming talks -- pitch yours today!

If you've got a great idea for a session that should take place as part of the Programming track of talks at Game Developers Conference 2019, now is the time to submit it!

That's because GDC 2019 organizers are now accepting submissions to present lectures, roundtables, panels, posters and tutorials through Thursday, August 16th.

This will be the 33rd edition of GDC, the world's largest and longest-running event serving professionals dedicated to the art and science of making games.

Next year the show will take place March 18-22 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California, and will again play host to thousands of game developers from all around the world for a week of learning, networking and inspiration.

As always, organizers are looking for submissions of expert talks that would be a great fit for the show! To best serve the audience of programmers and coding enthusiasts who attend GDC every year, the GDC 2019 Programming track once again seeks lectures focused on new techniques in programming, especially:

  • New Game Platforms 
    How have new platforms and display devices changed game development? How do you tackle the constraints of Virtual or Augmented Reality enabled games? Do you have tips and tricks to share?
  • Core Engine Techniques
    Case studies of difficult problems in core engine development. Possible topics include: advanced multithreading approaches, streaming and open world games, working with massive data sets, techniques for rapid iteration, and other challenging core engine problems.
  • Advances in World Simulation
    How have gains in computing power allowed for higher fidelity physical simulation? Are these techniques better suited for implementation on CPU or GPU? Possible topics include soft and rigid body physics, cloth, fluid simulation, destruction, and new approaches to animation.
  • AI Behavior Design
    How has AI and NPC behavior advanced over the last year? What new techniques are driving this advance? Has scripting reached its limits? How should the AI deal with rendering techniques that are quickly descending the slope of the uncanny valley?
  • High-fidelity Character Animation 
    How has character motion improved to match increasing visual fidelity? Possible topics include advances in data representation (e.g. point clouds, motion graphs, compression), facial animation, interactive and synthesized animation, and runtime retargeting.
  • Online-centric Games
    We want to hear about new developments in persistent universes, pervasively online games, cloud server usage, player-driven economies, multi-authority networking models, and security.
  • Achieving the Most with Smaller Teams
    Most titles are now created with small teams of programmers tightly focused on the specific needs of their title. How do you create complex systems on short time scales and with limited resources? What techniques have you evolved for supporting release on multiple platforms with highly varying specifications? What specific programming problems of larger teams do you avoid? What are the main challenges for smaller programming teams?
  • Advances in Rendering
    Show us your cutting-edge techniques that demonstrate what new hardware is capable of! Possible topics include TAA strategies, content amplification, physically based materials and lighting, real time global illumination, new approaches to deferred and forward+ rendering, and advanced usage of compute shaders and GPGPU techniques. Postmortems are welcome, as are examinations of aspirational techniques difficult to achieve in current games.
  • Tools and Pipelines
    Content sizes are increasing dramatically with new platforms. How are you solving the difficult problems in content creation tools, content pipeline development, working with massive data sets, and providing rapid content creator iteration?
  • Gameplay Subsystems
    We'd love nitty-gritty detailed talks on various gameplay-oriented subsystems, things that are not rendering, networking, physics, and AI. Examples include object systems, inventory and encumbrance, dynamic reactions to damage, conversation systems, etc. A great example from GDC 2012 was Elan Ruskin's talk, AI-driven Dynamic Dialog through Fuzzy Pattern Matching. Empower Your Writers!.
  • Automated Testing in Games and Game Engines
    What automated tools have you used to catch bugs in your game or engine? Or any other automated processes that improve robustness and quality of complex games.
  • And anything new, fresh or experimental! 
    If you are doing something in a different way that advances the state of the art, we would love to hear about it!

Those interested in submitting for any of the GDC Summits (AI, Community Management, Game Narrative, GDC Education, GDC Mobile, Indie or UX) or VRDC@GDC (all of which take place on the Monday & Tuesday of the event) or Friday's Game Career Seminar should know that the call for submissions will open at a later date.

For more details on the submission process or GDC 2019 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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