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Final reminder: IGF China deadline is July 19 for pan-Pacific indie game submissions

Organizers are putting out a last call for submissions towards the Independent Games Festival China - which will take place alongside this September's GDC China in Shanghai - with pan-Pacific game entries due Friday, July 19.
Following its success from previous years, GDC China will once again host all three main elements of IGF China, including the Indie Games Summit, the IGF Pavilion, and the prestigious IGF China Awards. The Awards are split into both Main and Student competitions and will honor the many talented developers in the pan-Pacific area.
Last year's event saw 159 high-quality entries from regions including Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Serbia, Montenegro, and more.
More details on the IGF China awards, including a run down of the judges for the event, the categories and their cash prizes, are available here.


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