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Experimental Gameplay Workshop at GDC 2022 Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Two decades of incredible games that have challenged the norm, broken the mold, and changed the industry. The Experimental Gameplay Workshop is returning to GDC 2022 for its 20th anniversary celebration—looking back at 20 years of genre-defining games, while paving the way for the next generation of game developers. 

The Game Developers Conference organizers are thrilled to share that the Experimental Gameplay Workshop will be hosting its 20th anniversary event at GDC 2022 in San Francisco this March, marking two decades of amazing prototypes and presentations showcasing new mechanics, genres, and mediums for games.

The Experimental Gameplay Workshop highlights games that take interesting approaches to interactivity that haven't been tried before. Each year, top game developers from all over the world showcase their innovative, surprising, and intriguing prototypes in this fast-paced session. Some of the games that have been featured include: Portal, Journey, Untitled Goose Game, The Witness, Braid, Baba is You, What the Golf?, and more. Many of these games have gone on to become major successes, with some inspiring fundamental changes in how games are made and experienced. 

This year's event will continue to recognize the developers eager to share their novel ideas with the industry at large, while also reflecting on the history of the event and passing the torch to new creators and organizers. Plus, there may be a few surprises in store for attendees of this special anniversary event, so be on the lookout! 

The Experimental Gameplay Workshop is available for All-Access or Core pass holders. Don't miss out on this event that's 20 years in the making. Register for GDC 2022 today! 

GDC returns in-person to San Francisco, March 21-25, 2022—registration is now open! For more information on GDC 2022, including our virtual options, be sure to visit our website and follow the #GDC22 hashtag on social media.

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