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Don't miss these insightful interviews with 2019's alt.ctrl.GDC devs!

As you lock in your plans for the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this month, organizers want to be sure you don't overlook the always-intriguing alt.ctrl.GDC showcase!

Open to all GDC attendees, this exhibit of offbeat and unique alternative controller games will make its sixth appearance at the conference Wednesday through Friday (March 20-22) in the Moscone Convention Center. 

The team at Gamasutra have been publishing a series of interviews with this year's alt.ctrl.GDC participants and they make for interesting reading, given that each sheds light on the strange origin story of a truly unique game.

Earlier this month we rounded up the first ten of those interviews, and today we'd like to quickly highlight a few more that have since gone live!

Cook Your Way 

Cook Your Way is both a cooking game and an immigration test, turning the act of making food into a way of seeing if a migrant is worth allowing into a country. 

HOT SWAP: All Hands On Deck

HOT SWAP: All Hands On Deck will have two players assembling their controllers as they guide a ship through deadly waters, swapping parts for the varied functions they'll need to survive. 

Coal Rush 

Coal Rush creates competition out of running a train, having players scoop coal, change tracks, and scare wildlife off the tracks with its locomotive controls 

Ruins Climber 

Ruins Climber has players rapidly tugging on a circular rope to climb a wall, hopping from side to side to avoid hazards that dangle along their path. 


Machinaria is a device that lets players manipulate the emotions of the audience through how they present the news, exploring media's use of similar methods. 


Octopad breaks an NES controller into eight game pads with a single input each, turning single-player games into multiplayer experiences built around communication and collaboration. 

These interviews are worth reading because each offers a unique perspective on a remarkable game, one of which may win the alt.ctrl.GDC Award (which includes a $3,000 prize plus a special trophy handmade by game maker and former alt.ctrl.GDC participant Robin Baumgarten) at the IGF ceremony during GDC, with judging taking place on-site.

No matter who wins, all GDC 2019 attendees who stop by the alt.ctrl.GDC exhibit will have the chance to play all of these inventive and innovative games using unique, one-of-a-kind controllers. -- and it may be your only chance to do so! 

For more details on GDC 2019 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS


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