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Don't forget to take the GDC 2021 State of the Industry Survey

Game Developers Conference has extended the deadline to take part in the GDC21 State of the Industry Survey.

Take the survey now!

GDC is conducting the 9th annual survey of the global game development community leading up to GDC 2021 and your input would be greatly appreciated. If you can spare a few minutes, we'd like to learn about your role in game development and your experience with important industry trends.

This edition of the State of the Industry Survey will take a closer look at:

  • Discoverability, business models, and digital game storefronts
  • Accessibility features in games and workplace diversity
  • Impacts of working from home and crunch

As a way of saying thanks, two respondents will be randomly selected to receive a complimentary pass to GDC 2021, happening July 19-23.

The deadline to complete the survey is now Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 11:59 pm PT.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under Informa Tech


Connecting the Global Game Development Community