Just a quick reminder today that all submissions for GDC 2020's Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC), GDC Summits, and Game Career Seminar are due this Monday, September 30th at 11:59 pm Pacific Time!
That means you have this weekend and then some to submit talks for these very special, in-depth segments of GDC, each of which offers you the chance to share knowledge with colleagues in a setting conducive to deep discussions about the nuances of game development.
As you finalize your talk submissions ahead of Monday's deadline, please remember to review the submission guidelines and topics before submitting. Also, make sure you're submitting your proposal to the right people!
As a reminder, the Monday and Tuesday content at GDC 2020, previously branded as "Summits," "Tutorials," "Bootcamps," and "Dev Days," will now all go by the name "Summits."
Each of these Summits is programmed by expert Summit advisors who solicit proposals from speakers with deep industry expertise and innovative ideas from a unique or emerging area of the game industry.
To refresh your memory, here's the list of GDC 2020 Summits you can submit talks for:
Advanced Graphics Summit
AI Summit
Animation Summit
Art Direction Summit
Audio Summit
Board Game Design Summit
Community Management Summit
Educators Summit
Esports Summit
Fair Play Alliance Summit
Free to Play Summit
Game Narrative Summit
Independent Games Summit
Level Design Summit
Machine Learning Summit
Math in Game Development Summit
Online Game Technology Summit
Production Essentials Summit
Technical Artist Summit
Tools Summit
UX Summit
Visual Effects Summit
(Game Design Workshop and Storytelling Fundamentals Workshop will remain independently curated and are not accepting submissions.)
If you're more interested in virtual and augmented reality, VRDC advisors are accepting submissions for talks which explore those spaces, and they may pertain to both game and non-game experience development!
And of course, the folks who organize the popular Game Career Seminar at GDC (a low-cost program for those new to the industry) are still looking for great GCS talks focused on building great careers in the game industry! If you've got one in mind, make sure to submit it now for the GDC 2020 Game Career Seminar.
Remember, VRDC and the GDC Summits take place the first two days of GDC 2020 (March 16th and 17th) and help to kick off the weeklong event at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, while the Game Career Seminar helps close it out on Friday, March 20th.
For more details on the submission process or GDC 2020 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.