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Congratulations to the 2021 Game Narrative Review winners!

Hey game makers! Today, organizers of the 2021 Game Developers Conference and its Game Narrative Summit are pleased to announce this year's winners of the annual Student Narrative Analysis Competition, all of whom receive passes to attend the conference next month!

This competition is a great opportunity for up-and-coming designers to flex their critical faculties, as each participating student conducts a detailed structured analysis of the narrative elements of a game of their choice.

Every year, leading game design programs at universities across the U.S. make the competition part of their academic curricula. The resulting papers are submitted to the GDC Game Narrative Summit advisors for review, and entrants with the most promising submissions are then invited to present poster sessions of their work to future industry peers (and potential employers/colleagues) at the Game Narrative Summit!

Winning entries in competitions past (which you can watch right now on GDC Vault) have tackled a diverse array of subjects, from big-budget blockbuster games to smaller, critically-acclaimed indie titles, including games renowned for their storytelling and games designed with no formal narrative at all.

Regardless of their chosen subject, past competitors have consistently produced insightful, bold analysis that foreshadows the sorts of contributions they may some day make to the field of game narrative. This year's competition featured another strong group of entrants from schools across the country, and we’re proud to announce that this year's winners are:

Platinum Winners

  • Esperance, Chloe
  • Qi, Mayla
  • Davis, Arthur

Gold Winners

  • Baik, Emily
  • Le, Lawrence
  • Parker, Scott
  • Perlmutter, Marika
  • Morina, Adam
  • Woodward, Andrew
  • Dragomir, Ana
  • Clark, Sierra
  • Hastings, Isaiah
  • McMillin-Brockway, Chevis
  • Willborn, Daniel
  • Butler, Patrick
  • Nigogosyan,Max
  • Podzniakiv, Misha
  • Zahavi, Michael
  • Pranger, Ethan
  • Bailey, Jacob
  • Black. Mitchell

As always, the Platinum winners will receive an All-Access pass to this year’s GDC, while the Gold winners will receive an Expo Plus pass. All winners also have the opportunity to present a special poster session during GDC 2021 highlighting their work, and those sessions will be available for public perusal after the show on the GDC Vault.

GDC and the Game Narrative Summit would once again like to congratulate all of this year's winners, and all of the entrants whose fine work made judging this year’s competition both challenging and invigorating!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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