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Check out the many incredible Roundtables at GDC 2021

Today the organizers of the all-digital 2021 Game Developers Conference (taking place July 29th –23rd) would like to shine a light on the wide variety of Roundtable sessions taking place at this year’s event.

Back by popular demand, the GDC roundtables are small peer discussion groups where moderators facilitate lively conversation to discuss the industry’s most pertinent topics of the day.

These interactive sessions have been adapted for this year’s digital format, and will cover a number of relevant topics. Here are a few of them:

At the Art Leadership Roundtable, Art Leads and Directors can discuss the industry’s needs and offer solutions in an open, collaborative environment.

At the Game Narrative Roundtable, narrative professionals to exchange best practices and share concerns over their role in game development.

At the Indigenous Game Developers Roundtable, Indigenous Game Developers can formally introduce themselves and projects to others working in this space within the industry. 

And at the Tools Design Roundtable, attendees will be able to ask and answer about how they tackle problems around internal tools systems.

GDC’s organizers would like you to know that due to space limitations, seats are limited for these Roundtable sessions. If you would like to join, please do so with the intent to participate!

Gear up for your Roundtable of choice and register for GDC 2021 today.

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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