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'Best of GDC': Watch some of the best GDC sessions of all time

This post is cross-published with permission from our sister site Gamasutra.
A couple weeks ago, we reached out via Twitter, asking people what past GDC sessions they consider the #BestOfGDC.
The responses we received included sessions ranging from the highly technical (HDR Lighting in Uncharted 2) to the emotionally moving (Brian Moriarty's The Secret of Psalm 46).
There were a lot of suggestions that we did not include in this list, and you can see them at #BestOfGDC -- some of the Best Ofs unfortunately do not exist anywhere but in peoples' memories. Fortunately, these days we record the large majority of the GDC sessions and store them on the GDC Vault.

We may as well mention here that GDC 2014 is just around the corner, and will take place at San Francisco's Moscone Center, March 17-21.
Here are a few of the more notable picks:

What was your #BestOfGDC?


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