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Audience Award voting for 2014 GDCAs and IGF awards ends tomorrow

Game Developers Conference organizers are reminding everyone that Audience Award voting for both the 2014 Game Developers Choice Awards (GDCAs) and the Independent Games Festival (IGF) Main Competition Awards will close tomorrow, March 1, 2014 at 9PM ET.
These Audience Awards represent an opportunity for the gaming public to weigh in and cast a vote for their favorite nominee(s). Developers of the nominated games have taken the time to record their own personal reminders for fans to get out and vote, and we've taken the liberty of embedding those videos below.

Winners from both award shows will be announced Wednesday, March 19 during the 2014 Game Developers Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
Anyone who would still like to vote for the GDCA and IGF Audience Awards can visit the links below, enter the name of the game they'd like to vote for, and a valid email address -- voters will then receive an email to confirm their vote.
Certain rules for voting do apply, and more information on Audience Award voting can be found at the following links:
· Game Developers Choice Audience Award nominations
· Independent Games Festival Main Competition Audience Choice Award nominations
Participants may choose from a list of finalists for the Game Developers Choice Awards and the Independent Games Festival Main Competition Awards when casting their vote for the Audience Award.

The Game Developers Choice Awards are the premier accolades for peer recognition in the digital games industry; the IGF Awards are a major celebration of the best in indie gaming. Each year, both Awards ceremonies recognize and celebrate the creativity, artistry and technical genius of the finest developers and games created in the last year.
The Independent Games Festival and Game Developers Choice Awards ceremonies will take place starting at 6:30pm PT on Wednesday, March 19. Fans can watch both awards shows live on Twitch or Gamespot.
GDC 2014 takes place March 17-21, 2014; more information about the conference and available passes can be found on the official GDC 2014 website.
Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Tech.

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