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Attend GDC Summer for a behind-the-scenes look at the origins of Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Blackbird Interactive's new starship salvaging game Hardspace: Shipbreaker has earned critical acclaim and player attention for its unique design, and at GDC Summer next month you'll have the opportunity to learn how the studio's processes brought such a unique game to market.

As part of the GDC Summer Design track of talks Blackbird CCO Rory McGuire will present "Forging 'Hardspace: Shipbreaker': Creating Processes for Original IPs", an overview both of how Shipbreaker was launched into Early Access and how the studio is structured to produce unusual and original games.

Don't miss out on this intriguing talk, as you can expect to learn Blackbird's process of creating the IP and its unusual gameplay as well as the rules and processes it implemented to “protect” the game from idea fatigue, other company opportunities and, ultimately, the team itself.

You'll also see the various game studios and external industries Blackbird drew influence from in setting up its creative processes, with lots of practical advice you can (hopefully) apply to your own projects. For more details on this exciting session and all the others on offer at next month's GDC event, check out the GDC Summer Session Viewer!

For more details on GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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