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Go behind the fully diegetic UI of Hardspace: Shipbreaker at GDC 2021

If the phrase “Cutter, you’ve got 5 minutes left in your shift” makes your pulse quicken, then you’re intimately familiar with the beautiful in-universe user interface of Hardspace: Shipbreaker.

And we’ve got good news for all the Cutters out there—in one of many talks about the game at the all-digital 2021 Game Developers Conference (running July 19th-23rd), Blackbird Interactive’s Vidhi Shah will be presenting a session dedicated to breaking down the game’s excellent UI.

In “Cutting Apart The Diegetic Interface of Hardspace: Shipbreaker Shah will be showcasing various UI design styles and the process of creating an amalgamation of approaches best suited for Hardspace: Shipbreaker's interfaces in order to maintain immersion while addressing usability and accessibility needs.

Get more info on GDC 2021 and gear up for Shah’s talk when you register for your pass today.

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GDC 2021

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