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Watch live recordings of the GDC Podcast at GDC Showcase!

The GDC Podcast, hosted by Gamasutra editors Kris Graft and Alissa McAloon, is one of the game industry’s top repositories for interesting and informative chats about the world of game development. If you’re a fan of their conversations with Greg Kasavin, Celia Hodent, and other industry experts, you’re in luck.

The GDC Podcast is recording not one, not two, but five  episodes of the show live at GDC Showcase! Graft and McAloon are excited to do live recordings where they will be responding to your questions and comments in Swapcard chat, and they’ve lined up an array of illustrious guests for the show!

Here are the three GDC Podcast Live sessions at GDC Showcase:

On Monday March 15th at 1:35PM PT, University of Miami professor Lindsay Grace will drop by to chat about games and academia, games with social impact, and the Black experience in game development.

On Tuesday March 16th at 1:35PM PT, Spelunky creator Derek Yu will be chatting about roguelike design, what it’s like to follow up a legend, and modern day indie game development.

On Wednesday March 17th at 1:35PM PT, Leyla and Soren Johnson of Mohawk Games will be discussing strategy game design and company culture at their indie studio.

On Thursday March 18th at 1:35PM PT, Marketing wiz Chris Zukowski will share insights on getting your game noticed on Steam and other platforms.

And last but not least, on Friday March 19th at 1:35PM PT, Disco Elysium writer Justin Keenan will be on hand to chat about writing one of 2019’s most groundbreaking role-playing games.

Catch all five live podcast episodes when you sign up for GDC Showcase, which starts in less than a week!

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