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Polish your pitch in Jason Della Rocca’s GDC Masterclass

Pitching your game can be a nerve-wracking affair. How do you tweak your pitch for every publisher you meet? How do you make sure your best features come forward in the best way? Jason Della Rocca has been helping game developers pitch their games to publishers and investors for years, and in his GDC Masterclass, he wants to help you do the same.

In Della Rocca’s 2-day course, running from 8AM to 12PM PT on March 4th and 5th, attendees can expect to polish their pitch decks to a brilliant shine, and by the end will be able to:

  • Learn overall deal-making strategy and mindset.
  • Learn how to research and track publishing targets.
  • Develop skills in pitch deck construction and fine-tuning, including competitive analysis.
  • Discover publisher introduction processes and meeting tactics.
  • Walk away ready to pitch your game to premium publishers.

Seats are limited. Let Della Rocca helps punch up your pitch, and register for his course today before it’s too late!

For more information on the GDC Masterclass program, be sure to visit our website or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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