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Pick up best practices for Agile adoption in Clinton Keith’s GDC Masterclass

Rising to leadership roles in game companies can always be an intimidating prospect. It can be extra intimidating when you’re also tasked with introducing an Agile workflow into your studio. Why not learn the best ways to tackle these challenges from one of the industry’s leading experts?

In his 2021 GDC Masterclass, returning instructor Clinton Keith will be teaching  leadership skills and practices that have proven successful in guiding game teams and studios through an Agile adoption.

This day-long course will take place on March 4th 2021, and run from 8AM to 4PM PST.

With nearly two decades of industry expertise, Keith is here and ready to help you evolve your career in the game industry. In his course, you will:

  • Learn why new leadership skills are needed for an increasingly complex and unpredictable market.
  • Learn leadership skills needed for an agile mindset.
  • Discover how to establish studio-wide standards for quality and organization.
  • Grow team self-organization with a focus on results.
  • Learn how to guide departmental and project management roles towards supporting an Agile adoption.

Seats are limited. Be one of the lucky few who can learn from Keith’s amazing industry expertise, and register for his course today!

If you’re looking to additionally level up your Agile skills, you should also know that Keith will be running a separate course on March 5th that will contain a professional certification process.

For more information on the GDC Masterclass program, be sure to visit our website or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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