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Learn more about how networking works at GDC 2021

Networking. It’s how game industry professionals make new business connections, find new jobs, land deals for their games, and discover great new titles.

 It’s also been one of the biggest challenges in a year of digital events—how do you capture that sensation of the chance encounter, the shared joke, the sense of community that comes from in-person conferences?

Well we’ve been working hard to recreate that experience for the all-digital 2021 Game Developers Conference (running July 19th – 23rd). At this year’s online event, you’ll have new tools to help you meet fellow game industry professionals, set up meetings, and even hold secure video calls.

As you get ready for the show (it’s less than a month away!), we wanted to help you get ready to connect with other attendees with a quick briefing on how GDC 2021’s networking tools will work. Take a look:

Step 1: Complete your profile

When you log into Swapcard, the official platform of GDC 2021, you’ll want to be sure to fully complete your profile before setting off on your networking adventure. This will help you be identifiable to other attendees.

You can do this by clicking on the “My Profile” tab in the Swapcard platform.

Step 2: Video Meetings

We'll also have video networking lounges available for attendees using the Remo platform. To connect with other attendees on Remo, to to the 'Video Networking' button or tab where you'll be directed to the video networking lounge.

Once inside the platform, you will see a floor plan with different levels and a variety of topics organized by “tables.” Feel free to double click any topic to be placed at that table.

Please be sure to share your microphone and camera so that everyone can see and hear you, just like at an in-person event. 

Table size is limited, but you will have the option to visit other tables while you wait for another one to open up .

Step 3: Set up one-on-one meetings on Swapcard

For networking on Swapcard itself, you will be able to search other attendees by job title, professional interest, and other filters, in order to request a one-on-one meetings with other attendees.

This is a fantastic way to make individual connections---and affords gives attendees total control over their meeting schedules. If you’re busy, or are otherwise unable to commit to a meeting, you’re free to request it, or send an invite to reschecdule.

Please note, this networking option is not available to Expo Pass holders

Step 4: Hang out in group discussion rooms

Just like at GDC Summer last year, we’ve created a number of chat rooms based on different disciplines where you can connect with other attendees interested in the same topics as you.

These topics include Visual Art, Audio, Design, Programming, Production, and other topics from the GDC Main Conference and Summits.

You’re going to meet so many great folks at GDC this year! Register today!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community