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Get expert advice on mixed-reality game design at VRDC Fall 2017!

Organizers of the Virtual Reality Developers Conference would like to quickly let you know about two standout sessions taking place later this year at VRDC Fall 2017, which takes place September 21-22 at a bigger, better venue in San Francisco!

Notably, XEODesign president Nicole Lazzaro will be at the show to give a cutting-edge talk on mixed-reality game design. Her "'Matrix' vs. Pokemon Go: The Mixed Reality Battle for the Holodeck" session will feature 3 compelling future MR scenarios to illustrate 5 core MR design techniques.

Lazzaro will draw on her 20+ years of interactive experience design as she dives deep into the design requirements for compelling MR that takes advantage of virtual world overlays, depth maps of existing terrain, NPC and object interaction, and character customization.  If you have any interest in creating effective, impactful mixed-reality games and experiences, don't miss it!

Also at VRDC Fall 2017, Arno Hartholt (Director of Research and Development Integration at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies) will be presenting a great session on "Immersive Medical Care with VR/AR and Virtual Humans." that aims to break down how VR/AR offers unique capabilities for health-related research and treatment.

Check it out, and you'll  learn how VR/AR and virtual humans can be applied to worthy causes beyond gaming and entertainment, particularly within the medical domain. You'll walk away able to discuss examples of how these capabilities allow researchers to study human behavior and specific ailments, and how they can lead to various treatments, e.g. PTSD or pain. Also, you'll get a practical overview of how these systems can be designed, developed and assessed.

And of course, VRDC Fall 2017 organizers look forward to announcing many more talks for the event in the weeks to come. Don't forget to register early at a discounted rate!

Since tickets sold out for the first three VRDC events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions and move to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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