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GDC Vault Adds Free Social Game Rant, Indie Startup, Daglow Sessions

The GDC Vault service has released several new free videos from the Game Developers Conference 2011, this time featuring rants from the industry's top social game developers, a panel on successful indie startups, and career lessons from industry vet Don Daglow.

These talks join recently-debuted free videos including GDC 2011's Game Design Challenge, indie sessions on Osmos and Super Meat Boy, GDC 2011's classic postmortem series, and a slew of other sessions from throughout the history of the Game Developers Conference.

The following video lectures are the newest highlights to be made available for free from GDC 2011:

- The first talk offered for free is the high-energy social game panel, "No Freaking Respect! Social Game Developers Rant Back." This session, co-hosted by Eric Zimmerman and Jason Della Rocca, features a handful of the most outspoken and influential social game developers out there, with each focusing on a topic of their choosing.

The talk includes developers such as Cow Clicker's Ian Bogost, Loot Drop's Brenda Brathwaite, and more as they cover pressing issues facing the occasionally stigmatized realm of social game development.

- The next session, dubbed "From AAA to Indie: Three Start-Up Stories," showcases three recent success stories from developers who jumped from big-budget, AAA development into the indie space.

Jake Kazdal of Skull of the Shogun developer Haunted Temple, Spry Fox's Daniel Cook (Triple Town), and AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! creator Ichiro Lambe all look back upon their careers in traditional development, and provide an inside look on how they transitioned into the indie space.

- Finally, "10 Lessons from 20 Years as an Entrepreneur: A Post-Mortem" features industry veteran Don Daglow as the reflects on the key lessons he learned from throughout his career. Daglow served as CEO of Neverwinter Nights (the original AOL graphic MMO, not Atari's RPG) developer Stormfront Studios for over two decades, and his talk draws from his lengthy tenure at the company to discuss tips for founding a studio, working in a mature team, going indie, and much more.

As the group behind the leading worldwide gaming conference, GDC organizers remain committed to making the event's best current and historical lectures available for free to the global game community, and will continue to release new free content throughout 2011.

Full GDC Vault access is available to GDC 2011 All-Access Pass holders, speakers, and All-Access Pass buyers to other GDC events for the rest of 2011. (Subscribers having issues accessing content should contact GDC Vault admins.)

Individual Vault subscriptions not tied to All-Access passes are now available in a limited-edition Beta invite process -- those interested in signing up to be invited in on a first come, first served basis should sign up on the GDC Vault website.

In addition, game-related schools and development studios who sign up for GDC Vault Studio Subscriptions can receive access for their entire office or company. More information on this option is available via viewing an online demonstration.

GDC organizers are also committed to making more archival content free for all during 2011, following a successful 'GDC 25 Chronicles' digitization project. GDC historian Jason Scott has signed on for the rest of 2011 to continue digitizing the extensive Game Developers Conference archives, with his 'Tales From The GDC Vault' series.

GDC Vault

Connecting the Global Game Development Community