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Frank's Blog: News About GDC Europe

[In his first update, Game Developers Conference Europe event director Frank Sliwka welcomes you to his regularly updated comments about the August 17-19 event taking place in Cologne, Germany.]
Today, I would like to start my blog and welcome all of you to my posts about GDC Europe. During the next few weeks, I would like to give you all some impressions about GDC Europe as well as the host city of Cologne.
Since the Think Services Game Group Germany office is located in Berlin, our team travels quite a bit to this beautiful city.
Oftentimes, I have flights from Berlin to Cologne and I can honestly say that the connection from the city of Cologne and the airport is really nice. By train, you can arrive to the convention center in just 12 minutes and with a cab it will take you about 20 minutes (if there are no traffic jams).
Please look out for my future posts where you’ll get an insider’s look on Cologne and our amazing event about to take place in August.
[Frank and his colleagues will be posting regular news updates from behind the scenes of GDC Europe, including content reveals and other helpful information. You can subscribe individually to the GDC News blog via its RSS feed.]

GDC Europe

Connecting the Global Game Development Community