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Don’t miss all the great Advocacy talks at GDC 2021

At the all-digital 2021 Game Developers Conference (running July 19th – 23rd) , you’ll get to see talks from a number of speakers in the Advocacy track, one of our most widely-available group of sessions that you can see no matter which type of pass you register with.

In the Advocacy track speakers address topics ranging from diversity, to censorship, to quality of life within the realm of social advocacy in the game industry.

Here’s a few of the topics speakers are discussing at our all-digital 2021 event:

Twitch’s Angela Hession will discuss how platforms can implement proper community safety guidelines and programs.

Developer Aubrey Scott will explain how character creators in games can be used to expand the types of gender expression players can interact with.

Professor Ricarda Winkelmann will present key concepts of climate science and give concrete examples, shows how they can inspire setting, storytelling and gameplay – not only in "serious" games but in all kinds of interactive fiction.

Thorny Games co-founder Kathryn Hymes will discuss developing games for users with aphasia.

And finally composers John Smith, Wilbert Roget, Jasmine Cooper, Akash Thakkar and audio director Caleb Epps will discuss their experience facing racial inequality in the world of game audio.

For more great Advocacy talks, be sure to check out the GDC 2021 schedule.

Want to see more? Register for GDC today, and get ready for a great week of Advocacy talks this July!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

GDC 2021

Connecting the Global Game Development Community