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Check Out Some Classic Games at GDC Arcade Play

The Game Developers Conference is where the game dev community comes together to learn, connect, and build their careers–but it's also a place to have fun! GDC Arcade Play features over a dozen classic games to play and enjoy between those sessions. 

GDC Arcade Play is curated by the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) in Oakland, and features their community partner Civic Design Studios. It's a community space dedicated to giving GDC attendees a spot to relax, chat, and check out some incredible games that helped shape the industry.

This includes Wolfenstein 3D, which is being featured in a highly anticipated Classic Game Postmortem from id Software co-founder John Romero.

Here are all the games you can check out and play this year: 

  • Diablo 2
  • Super Mario Brothers 3
  • Civilization
  • Twisted Metal 2
  • Chessmaster
  • Street Fighter 2
  • Adventure (Atari)
  • Bryce 3D (original 90s)
  • Killer instinct
  • Wolfenstein 3D
  • QBasic
  • Marathon

Health and safety measures remain paramount and we’re committed to following city and Moscone Center guidelines to deliver an exceptional experience. Be sure to check out our Q&A that addresses some of the biggest questions regarding health, safety, and international travel for this year's in-person and virtual event, and we invite you to bookmark our Health & Safety page for the latest updates. 

As you're using the GDC 2022 Session Viewer to plan out your time at the show, leave room in your schedule to swing by GDC Arcade Play! Be sure to register so you can experience everything GDC 2022 has to offer. 

GDC returns in-person to San Francisco, March 21-25, 2022—registration is now open! For more information on GDC 2022, including our virtual options, be sure to visit our website and follow the #GDC22 hashtag on social media.

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Connecting the Global Game Development Community