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A Week of Game Narrative Lessons

Learn about interactive narrative in all forms, including AAA blockbusters, indie games, mobile, and social projects from fundamentals of story development theory to practical case studies.

Two-Day Summit | Monday and Tuesday | March 18-19, 2024

Join the Game Narrative Summit to hear an all-star lineup of speakers covering advanced theory and practical case studies for writers, designers, producers, and others with a passionate interest in the ongoing evolution of interactive storytelling.

Is. Sequel. Possible?: The Making of 'OXENFREE II: Lost Signals'

Bryant Cannon (OXENFREE II Game Director, Night School Studio)

Adam Douglas (Senior Writer, Night School Studio)

Build-A-Bae Workshop: Crafting Creative Love Interests

Adanna Nedd (Games Writer and Narrative Designer, Independent)

It's All in the Ending: Storytelling Strategies in 'Jedi: Survivor'

Daniel Homan (Lead Writer - Jedi Survivor, Respawn Entertainment)

Game Narrative Review Winners

Every year, students at leading game design programs conduct a detailed analysis of the narrative elements of a game title of their choice as part of the Game Narrative Review Competition. The resulting papers are submitted to the GDC writing board for review, and the submitters with the most promising entries are then invited to create a poster as a visual synopsis of their review. Successful poster submissions are declared winners and exhibited at the GDC.   


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