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A Week of Advocacy Lessons

Addressing topics ranging from diversity to censorship to quality of life within the realm of social advocacy in the game industry, Advocacy sessions aim to provide a forum for discussion and ultimately a place to effect change for the development community.

One-Day Workshop | Tuesday | March 19, 2024

The Fair Play Workshop seeks to curate and empower the creation of best practices and share those practices across the industry. Topics of focus include designing for player dynamics, reducing disruptive behavior including hate and harassment, creating and fostering diverse and inclusive games and gaming spaces, establishing healthy player interaction as a product or business focus, esports and streaming, combating bias in games and development, policy and guideline design, social design and systems, multicultural gaming, and more. 

Crafting Thriving User Generated Content Communities

Maria Tamellini (Co-Founder & COO, GamerSafer)

Carlos Figueiredo (Director of Player Safety, Microsoft)


Games That Go Beyond the Binary

Rowan Williams (Lead Narrative Designer, Sprocket Games)

Jo Graylock (Chief Creative Officer, Sprocket Games)

Designing for a Dark Night of the Soul

Claris Cyarron (Creative Director, Co-Founder, Silverstring Media)

Core Concepts Sessions: Advocacy

Wednesday-Friday | March 20-22, 2024

The learning continues Wednesday through Friday with Core Concepts presentations. Check out session highlights below.

AI-Assisted Player Support in the Among Us VR Community

Laura Norwicke Hall  (Senior Player Support Specialist, Schell Games)

Occupational Burnout in Games, 2024: Causes, Impact, and Solutions

Lis Moberly (Senior Game Writer, Lightspeed LA)

Tim Stobo

ROI on T&S: Toxicity and the bottom line

Rachel Kowert (Research Director, Take This) 


Connecting the Global Game Development Community